On Sun, 2 Jan 2011 14:39:57 -0500 Kenneth Armstrong digimars@gmail.com wrote:
Will CentOS 6 also have the same wallpaper packages that came with RHEL 6? The reason that I ask is that I love the new wallpapers in RHEL 6, but I'm not sure if they are copyrighted or anything to the point that CentOS can't import them in the build.
Thanks, and keep up the good work. I use CentOS alongside RHEL at work, and it is a fantastic project.
Hi Kenny,
I don't know if the wallpaper packages from RHEL 6 will carry over to CentOS 6 or not, however if they don't you could always copy them from /usr/share/backgrounds on a RHEL 6 install. I suspect the default ones outside of the separate folders (i.e. nature, cosmos, etc.) may be copyrighted images but I just looked at the ones from the beta and don't see a specific copyright mark so it's hard to say. I think the ones in the folders are pretty standard gnome wallpaper images.
If you're just going to use it as a personal desktop wallpaper on CentOS I would think that'd be o.k.; but IANAL. I suspect someone more familiar with what will be included in CentOS 6 will be able to say for sure.
Cia W