Време: 09/27/2011 06:49 PM, R P Herrold пише:
On Tue, 27 Sep 2011, Ljubomir Ljubojevic wrote:
Can someone point me in the right direction? How do you compile multiple packages continuously with mock?
I have some 50 srpms waiting to be recompiled via mock for both i386 and x86_64 (again).
Is there a command I can give so all the packages are compiled in one go?
Do I have to sort them in proper order (dependencies) or can I just
command to mock to check and sort them?
A naiive build algorithm simply submits and checks the return
Build Requirements are readily queriable, and testable as to whether they are met; as such one need not pay the time cost of enqueuing a build that is pre-ordained to fail by doing minimal checking first
Driving such a system off of versioned BR's require a bit more logic than that of the last paragraph, and may not always be 'correct'
Mutual cross-dependant BR's require manual solution 'out of band' of a submission engine, usually by 'short circuiting' around one missing 'leg' of such a cross-dependency; this kind of issue can also solved in .spec file conditionals logic, keyed on '--defines', although this is not seen in the CentOS project's upstream very often
From my notes on the topic:
Thanks, I will look at those.
For manual rpmbuild, , I created following script (needs root or sudo access for yum) for automatic installation of dependency rpms:
# rpm-depinstaller # Author: Ljubomir Ljubojevic <office a plnet.rs> # 31.01.2010
ls -C -1 -R -p $1 > 1_prelist-in.txt cat 1_prelist-in.txt | grep "src.rpm" | grep -v "/" > 2_list-in.txt
#exit # list="" # list=`ls *.rpm -R` list=`cat 2_list-in.txt` #list=$@ echo Lista je $list for i in $list; do rpmbuild --rebuild --nobuild -ba $i >& 3_text-in.txt cat 3_text-in.txt | grep needed >> 4_for_install-in.txt done
cat 4_for_install-in.txt | sort > 5_sorted_install_list.txt cat 4_for_install-in.txt | sort | cut -d " " -f1 | awk '{print $4 " " $1}' | sort | uniq > 6_sortedlist-in.txt cat 6_sortedlist-in.txt | awk '/^[0-9]/ { print ""; printf $0} !/^[0-9]/ {printf $0} END {print ""}' > 7_yumlist-in.txt #rm text.txt
yum install $(cat 7_yumlist-in.txt)
I deliberately avoided deleting log files, so I can debug or harvest data.