On Sunday 08 October 2006 18:57, Johnny Hughes wrote:
On Sun, 2006-10-08 at 20:07 +0200, Milan Keršláger wrote:
I see that there are updates and no lines with reasons in the SPEC file (%chagelog). Please include changelog messages to allow track the changes and reasons for this (when something breaks for example). Also there are a tools for tracking changes in the updated system by emailing %changelog changes together with sw updates.
That is because this is the original release of that package for CentOS in extras ... there is therefore nothing to change in a changelog.
It is a first build done of that package ... and I did not use the FC package. It is a simple repackaging of the CPAN module in a standard perl template.
As a suggestion, the changelog should have a line saying that this is the initial packaging. Changelogs should never ever be empty.