I was trying to find if someone reported a litle, very litle, bug in yum.conf file
but I could not see how to make a search in centos bugzilla page :-(
the litle bug is, probabily reported, that distropkg is set to redhat-release insted to centos-release, like this: distroverpkg=centos-release
BTW, I am exploring centos5-x86_64 :-) I forgot to mention it in my previous mail
also, it would be nice if anaconda fail more polite when it can't find 'groups definitions' in the repos files, right now it just make a break with a "send a bug report" messages and abort instalation.
I know that should not happen but .... sometime do :-)
I notice that when I try to make an instalation via http but creating the repos with creatrepo command in centos-4.4 (not using the dvd iso, just copying the rpms and creating the repo), I forgot to create the groups, so the instalations fail over and over againg until I realize what was the problem, sadly I had to go over and over again through all initial steps
I know that is not a bug, just a RFE but ...
thanks roger
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