On 02/12/2013 01:22 AM, Karanbir Singh wrote:
hi guys,
quick start: drop http://dev.centos.org/centos/6/mariadb/mariadb.repo into /etc/yum.repos.d/ and yum list mariadb*
This is adapted from the Fedora spec adapted by Johnny for CentOS-6 and upgraded to 5.5.29; we have done some basic testing on these packages and they worked for us. We are now looking for wider testing and feedback about both the packaging, the payload and how its setup as well as any build issues.
These packages are setup to replace MySQL on your machine, so be careful. And we consider these rpms to be of Testing grade, unsuiteable for production at this point.
Post feedback as follow up to this email, or at bugs.centos.org/
Just for the record and not directly related to these packages: a friend of mine tested mariadb under production-like load and the results were less then satisfactory. Using mariadb 5.5.27 on a 64bit squeeze led to backtrace in mysql.log + restart when using "ALTER" on tables with 3 rows and 4 columns which was serving data at 80 Mbps. The log became damaged as well on the second attempt of using ALTER.