On Tue, 20 Dec 2005, Tru Huynh wrote:
Hello :P
On Tue, Dec 20, 2005 at 11:17:12AM -0600, Connie Sieh wrote:
We need to start with this as we only have our developer for 1 month. He has already written some code for this project.
I see 3 main areas, some of these we have more done than others.
a) Determine if there is a new errata b) Download description of errata c) Download .src.rpm
- Build rpm out of .src.rpm
2.1 compare the resulting rpms against the genuine one? (that is the worst part of the QA check from my point of view)
Yes, the verify is not fun. That is why I will try to use both the CentOS and the TAO script.
-> manually downloading the $arch.rpm :( 2.2 rpm signing
a) Populate ftp/http areas with new errata b) Send mail to mailing list containing description and rpms updated.
I think we both already have item 2. We currently do item 1 manually.
1 (a,b,c) can be triggered by the RHSA's email 1.c can be also done by mirroring updates.redhat.com and push the new src.rpm to the build process.
Issue with just looking at the mirrors is that RedHat ocasionally puts in a bugfix errata in the updates ftp area even though it is NOT bugfix(Update) time.
It is cleaner just to get the src.rpm info from the RHSA announcment.
The populate part of item 3 we have automated along with the list of rpms updated. We manually do the descriptions.
So our work will focus on item 1 parts a,b,c and item 3 part b.
Have you done any of this work yet?
Centos-3 (x86/x86_64) speaking :) no but the the only scripted feature is the pre-filled email from the $arch.rpm. I am sure the CentOS-4 have more progress on this.
Is the pre-filling code available?
Is there someother place where we should be having these discusions.
#centos-devel ?
Was there a while back, kind of quiet. Will try again.
Tru Huynh (CentOS-3 i386/x86_64 Package Maintenance) http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0xBEFA581B
-Connie Sieh