Hello :P
On Tue, Dec 20, 2005 at 11:17:12AM -0600, Connie Sieh wrote:
We need to start with this as we only have our developer for 1 month. He has already written some code for this project.
I see 3 main areas, some of these we have more done than others.
a) Determine if there is a new errata b) Download description of errata c) Download .src.rpm
- Build rpm out of .src.rpm
2.1 compare the resulting rpms against the genuine one? (that is the worst part of the QA check from my point of view) -> manually downloading the $arch.rpm :( 2.2 rpm signing
a) Populate ftp/http areas with new errata b) Send mail to mailing list containing description and rpms updated.
I think we both already have item 2. We currently do item 1 manually.
1 (a,b,c) can be triggered by the RHSA's email 1.c can be also done by mirroring updates.redhat.com and push the new src.rpm to the build process.
The populate part of item 3 we have automated along with the list of rpms updated. We manually do the descriptions.
So our work will focus on item 1 parts a,b,c and item 3 part b.
Have you done any of this work yet?
Centos-3 (x86/x86_64) speaking :) no but the the only scripted feature is the pre-filled email from the $arch.rpm. I am sure the CentOS-4 have more progress on this.
Is there someother place where we should be having these discusions.
#centos-devel ?
Tru -- Tru Huynh (CentOS-3 i386/x86_64 Package Maintenance) http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0xBEFA581B