On 10/03/2020 22:18, Ken Dreyer wrote:
That's great, thank you.
Can I see application or configuration for how often you will run it? Is it event-driven, or on a timer?
Well, in the initial mail I mentioned a message bus with koji callback plugin (even the link to it ;-) ) and the process about trigger through that callback .. so as soon as someone will have tagged/untagged a build , a json payload will be posted on the bus (to the MQTT broker but eventually we'll switch to something else later when we'll fully converge with Fedora infra) and a listener, subscribed to the bus reacts directly (or put it in a queue that is processed in serial)
So ideally that will happen in the seconds after the operation finished in Koji/CBS, but if multiple SIGs are tagging at the same time, they'll be queued and processed in serial (also directly after) , so no "timer" involved (no cron if that's your question)