Dear developers of CentOS, I plan to create/start Desktop version/fork/respin of CentOS, practically just to add useful packages, modified repository with prioritized third-party repositories, maybe few tweaks, and built ISO and repositories, so we are not limited to messing with manually adding third-party repositories and dealing with dependency problems. Basic repositories will remain from CentOS project.
I plan to latter on ask about endorsement, maybe even hosting/mirroring project or even running it under the CentOS project flag. I will have to formulate my goals for the project and see how it resonates with you, developers of CentOS.
For the time being, to keep the ball rolling, I have question about the name that you find acceptable (even in the case that I can not find common ground with CentOS project and it remains on the sidelines):
1. CentDOS (Community Enterprize Desktop Operating System) 2. DentOS (Desktop Enterprize Operating System) 3. CentOS-DE (Community Enterprize Operating System - Desktop Edition) 4. Any new suggestion?
I personally and few other people like the first name, CentDOS.