On 12/12/15 02:12, Jacco Ligthart wrote:
Hi list,
I'm currently looking at the sources for CentOS 7.2 (at the vault), because I want to rebuild them for armv5 (redsleeve).
I think that I saw some irregularities, which I wanted to share with you.
First, there is no repodata for the os section of 7.2 (http://vault.centos.org/7.2.1511/os/Source/) I think that all other directories do have that. (this is something I often use, in combination with repodiff to get a list of srpms to download) To work around this I downloaded all and created my own repo for the scripts to work on.
Now generating that, so will appear on vault.centos.org nodes soon. I'll sync with Johnny about that.
Second, there are a couple of srpms that are older than those present in 7.1 (with updates). Here is the relevant part of a repodiff between 7.1 (+ updates) and 7.2 (+ updates): Downgraded Packages: firefox: firefox-38.4.0-1.el7.centos -> firefox-38.3.0-2.el7.centos gmp: gmp-6.0.0-12.el7_1 -> gmp-6.0.0-11.el7 java-1.6.0-openjdk: java-1.6.0-openjdk- -> java-1.6.0-openjdk- ksh: ksh-20120801-22.el7_1.3 -> ksh-20120801-22.el7_1.2 libreswan: libreswan-3.15-5.el7_1 -> libreswan-3.12-10.1.el7_1 postgresql: postgresql-9.2.14-1.el7_1 -> postgresql-9.2.13-1.el7_1
Third, I found a couple of srpms with a time stamp before 2015-11-19 (GA date of RHEL 7.2) which are not in 7.1. I get the impression that they should have been updates to 7.1, but somehow never made it. When I sampled a couple, I also could not find an advisory for them on rhn. The following list might not be complete: cronie-1.4.11-14.el7.src.rpm docbook-style-dsssl-1.79-18.el7.src.rpm filesystem-3.2-20.el7.src.rpm gzip-1.5-8.el7.src.rpm kross-interpreters-4.10.5-8.el7.src.rpm less-458-9.el7.src.rpm liberation-fonts-1.07.2-15.el7.src.rpm libkkc-0.3.1-8.el7.src.rpm libmemcached-1.0.16-5.el7.src.rpm libproxy-0.4.11-8.el7.src.rpm libtar-1.2.11-29.el7.src.rpm maven-dependency-tree-2.0-7.el7.src.rpm paps-0.6.8-28.el7.1.src.rpm perl-Date-Calc-6.3-14.el7.src.rpm perl-Test-Harness-3.28-3.el7.src.rpm perl-Test-Pod-Coverage-1.08-21.el7.src.rpm perl-Test-Warn-0.24-6.el7.src.rpm phonon-4.6.0-10.el7.src.rpm python-pyudev-0.15-7.el7.src.rpm python-setuptools-0.9.8-4.el7.src.rpm python-sphinx-1.1.3-9.el7.src.rpm python-sqlalchemy-0.9.8-1.el7.src.rpm radvd-1.9.2-9.el7.src.rpm screen-4.1.0-0.21.20120314git3c2946.el7.src.rpm setup-2.8.71-6.el7.src.rpm spamassassin-3.4.0-2.el7.src.rpm star-1.5.2-13.el7.src.rpm unixODBC-2.3.1-11.el7.src.rpm xz-5.1.2-12alpha.el7.src.rpm yum-langpacks-0.4.2-4.el7.src.rpm
Fourth, the extras directory seems not to be complete. I have the impression that the extras from 7.1 and 7.0 should also have been here (or maybe just a few of them) At the very least mock/pigz should be here, but also some of the python packages that are needed to build the 7.0 srpms should still be here I think.
Fifth, I miss some packages in extras. python-cryptography won't build because it needs some dependencies. Apparently the deps are not shipped by RH, so they should have been in extras. The missing deps are: python-cryptography-vectors = 0.8.2 python-iso8601 python-pretend (and maybe stuff that's needed to build those)
So, I guess that Johnny is still composing the correct trees, sorting also all the AltArch things, etc :-) As a reminder, you can also find the raw output coming from the builders (so unsigned) on http://buildlogs.centos.org. For example, I see the mentioned python-* packages under http://buildlogs.centos.org/c7-extras/ (including the srpm for each package)
These items are all things that I can work around, but I just wanted to share my findings. Thanks for all the good work on CentOS,
- -- Fabian Arrotin The CentOS Project | http://www.centos.org gpg key: 56BEC54E | twitter: @arrfab