On 12/29/20 7:04 AM, Phil Perry wrote:
Unfortunately there's an issue with driver disk ISO images too, as they are based on point release GA kernels (as are most all OEM ISO driver disks), and Stream regularly releases new installation media based on the latest Stream kernel, so if you need a 3rd party driver disk to install, you are probably out of luck and may not even be able to install CentOS Stream, even if a driver were available. I'm guessing for the next year you could install CentOS Linux 8 and convert to Stream, but after 2021 that will no longer be an option.
Yes, thanks for the reminder there. While I haven't decided what exactly I'm going to do yet (I'm going to wait a few months before making a final decsion), it's good to have options. And I thank you and the rest of the intrepid ELrepo team for all your fine work supporting these drivers for RHEL, even though I use them on CentOS.