hi, it'd be nice to write some kind of docs about how to write kmod packages for centos. as i wrote in one of my earlier post there are two problems currently with the weak-updates kmods:
kmodtool shouldn't have to add to all packages rather use the /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/kmodtool from redhat-rpm-config ie: ---------------------------------------------- @@ -1,7 +1,6 @@ -Source10: kmodtool Source11: find-requires Source12: find-requires.ksyms -%define kmodtool bash %{SOURCE10} +%define kmodtool bash /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/kmodtool ---------------------------------------------- and add: BuildRequires: redhat-rpm-config
the other problem is the these new kmod gives warning during install. ie if someone create a kickstart file which contains these kmods then anaconda warning about it: "Bad kmod package 'kmod-....' does not require a kernel" the reason for this is /usr/lib/anaconda/fedorakmod.py which has a check in resolveVersions. so hack the current find-requires.ksym to also requires at least kernel-%{arch} would be useful. at the same time write a newer short howto write kmods for centos-5. just my 2c. yours.