On 06/17/2014 11:13 AM, Jeff Sheltren wrote:
On Tue, Jun 17, 2014 at 9:06 AM, Karanbir Singh <mail-lists@karan.org mailto:mail-lists@karan.org> wrote:
hi, So we now have RHEL media, RHEL optionals and RHEL Extras. Optionals and media seems to tie in as before, however Extras has its own policy + lifeterm etc. Thoughts on what we might do with those rpms ? I'd have though that putting them in CentOS-Extras would line up nicely. Content that is available out of the blocks to anyone with a CentOS install, but not themselves included in the distro. thoughts ?
I like that approach. If these packages actually have different lifetime expectancies, may change versions, etc. I think putting them in Base could be problematic. CentOS-Extras seems like a good compromise. Is there any reason these might need to be separated from what was historically in CentOS-Extras?
I do not see anything about the packages that make them incompatible with CentOS-Extras
+1 from me