Dear All,
Following FOSDEM discussion, I owe an update on the koji development for aarch64.
Thanks to Fabian, at this we have a builder configured and we are able to build on specific targets for aarch64. I tested few glusterfs builds to ensure all operations are working well and no issue was found.
At this time we will support only new builds, it won't be possible to rebuild an old NVR. A future koji update may help us with this requirement. ("merge scratch build" feature seems absent from latest release, I discussed it with Mike at Fosdem, I'll send an update when I have more news).
In practice it means you will have to bump your release for getting aarch64
The last missing bit for enabling aarch64 for SIGs is to have a common URL for all arches.
In koji an external repository can be defined with a $arch paramter in the url.
Unfortunately at this time we have not a single URL that presents all $arch (previous link misses x86_64).
After discussing with the team, the easier way would be to add a x86_64 link (e.g : http://mirror.centos.org/altarch/7/os/x86_64 pointing to http://mirror.centos.org/centos-7/7/os/x86_64/ ) for the internal koji mirror as it would solve all our issues.
The pro is this solution will allow us to reconfigure koji once and be compatible for all future arches.
The con is that mock configs generated by koji won't work for external users.
Let me know if you have a better idea or some concerns.
As soon as we agree on a solution I'll be able to enable it for the Storage SIG glusterfs targets as Niels De Vos "agreed" to be our first user :)
- -- Thomas 'alphacc' Oulevey