Hi Lance,
On 14-06-17 16:31, Lance Dryden wrote:
So I looked at CentOS-7-x86_64-Azure-1705.qcow2. Unfortunately the waagent.service unit is not enabled within the image, so this image doesn't start correctly on Azure.
Thanks for the feedback.
Given the spec file in https://github.com/szarkos/AzureBuildCentOS, it seems that a preset file in /lib/systemd/system-preset will fix this problem during the install and prep. Doing exactly this by running the image in qemu-kvm, generating the preset, then `rpm --erase` / `rpm --install` worked.
Pending a fixed image, if you have guestfish installed I think you can enable the waagent.service with:
$ guestfish -a ./CentOS-7-x86_64-Azure-1705.qcow2 -i ln-sf /usr/lib/systemd/system/waagent.service /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/waagent.service
After that waagent.service seems enabled judging from a quick check with guestfish but I haven't actually booted the image:
<fs> ls /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/
NetworkManager.service auditd.service chronyd.service crond.service irqbalance.service kdump.service nfs-client.target postfix.service remote-fs.target rsyslog.service sshd.service tuned.service waagent.service
HTH, Patrick