Le mercredi 02 juillet 2014 20:07:46 Jim Perrin a écrit :
Now that we've got c7 mostly finalized we're starting to look at the upgrade tool. There are several moving pieces for the upgrade tool that will need some patching to work properly.
For anyone who's interesting in taking a dive into the code and helping out, we have some first-run binaries located at http://dev.centos.org/centos/6/upg/ with the source living on git.centos.org
These binaries will most likely not work, but they should provide a decent starting point for testing and debugging.
I have tried to upgrade an installation of CentOS 6.5 to 7.0, using:
sudo redhat-upgrade-tool --force --iso=/home/lrineau/CentOS-7.0-1406-x86_64-Everything/CentOS-7.0-1406-x86_64-Everything.iso
I have to use --force, because I did run preupg just before, but redhat-upgrade-tool tells me I did not.
My / and /boot and on sort RAID1 partitions (with mdadm). After reboot on the upgrade image, dracut says:
[ 189.272697] localhost dracut-initqueue[476]: Warning: Could not boot. [ 189.333232] localhost dracut-initqueue[476]: Warning: /dev/disk/by-uuid/7605c90b-ab65-4165-94d2-94b91d23a5d8 does not exist
The corresponding disk is the / on RAID1.
I have tried to add "rd.md=1" as option on the kernel line, in grub, but during the boot to the upgrade image, the log says:
[ 3.272702] localhost dracut-pre-trigger[369]: rd.md=0: removing MD RAID activation
and indeed my RAID partitions are not detected. In the dracut emergency shell, mdadm is able to assemble my RAID with: `mdadm --assemble --scan`, but I do not know how to work around that issue.