On 03/18/2015 03:48 PM, Dave Neary wrote:
I have 7 committers to the project plus myself who will need to be speakers during the call, unfortunately that does not leave much room for others for this first call. We can use IRC as a back-channel and ansure viewpoints are aired & heard on the call.
Yeah, the Hangouts are more about high-bandwidth for the speakers, not as much about shared participation back to the community. But as you say, you can run it podcast-live-recording style, have folks on the meeting also in the IRC channel and responding to questions there. That might be nicer anyway than having 100 people with voice trying to speak over each other on the Hangout.
- - Karsten - -- Karsten 'quaid' Wade .^\ CentOS Doer of Stuff http://TheOpenSourceWay.org \ http://community.redhat.com @quaid (identi.ca/twitter/IRC) \v' gpg: AD0E0C41