On 10/15/2009 09:29 AM, Patrice Guay wrote:
Phil Schaffner wrote:
Patrice Guay wrote on 10/13/2009 01:31 PM:
Phil Schaffner wrote:
Is there interest in a LiveDVD with more functionality than will fit on a CD? Perhaps "full desktop/office/productivity/multimedia" GNOME and/or KDE versions?
If you have a kickstart file ready with such functionalities, publishing it on the LiveCD trac website would be the first step. Adding a documentation page explaining how to build such a LiveCD and what are its benefits would come next.
I have a kickstart file that worked to create a DVD image with a lot more components. I'll run through the process again with a bit more thought before putting it out in public. Will also give some thought to writing up the benefits.
What I was really wondering is if such a LiveDVD image might be distributed by CentOS like the LiveCD, but allowing more functionality by removing the restrictions imposed by the size of a CD.
First, I think we should establish guidelines about what kind of LiveCD/LiveDVD image could be distributed. Since we are probably going to use the current mirrors for the distribution, we should be carefull about what pieces of software are included in the ISO images. The use of non-free software should certainly be avoided.
To prevent misuse of the distribution channels, the kickstart files for the LiveCD images must be available for review and discussion. Then, rebuilding periodically the approved ISO images and putting them on the mirrors could be automated.
Right ... I think we must be insistent that we do not include things that can not be included in Fedora and/or EPEL (nonfree) ... and personally, I don't like anything that we do not maintain the SRPMS for already in CentOS (either plus/extras/os). We can discuss adding things not in CentOS to the DVD ... but must be careful.
The goal (i think) is providing a DVD/CD with more capability, but not a new distro.