As you're all aware, RHEL 7.5 was released yesterday, and at the CentOS side, the massive rebuild started for all arches (x86_64, i386, ppc64, ppc64le, aarch64 and armhfp).
We'd like to have your opinion about the following proposal (TBD) : - we freeze the signing process for now, while we have focus on the distro rebuild. - we can also eventually freeze the CBS builders, so that all SIGs are now waiting for 7.5.1804 content to be available in CBS/koji and so rebuild against those pkgs
We hope (but can't have any estimate) that for this release, all arches should be in "sync", so normally content should be available faster (in comparison with 7.4.1708 release) to CBS/Koji builders.
Of course that's just a discussion, so feel free to comment.
For example, we can also think about security issues for rpm packages built through koji that would need to be ASAP available on mirror.centos.org, and that wouldn't need to be built for/against 7.5.1804.
Please comment on this.