Hi Gordon,
2015-02-03 17:12 GMT+01:00 Gordon Messmer gordon.messmer@gmail.com:
On 02/03/2015 02:10 AM, Olivier Delhomme wrote:
Does anyone knows where I should look in order to disable the launch of gnome-initial-setup when booting a newly installed Centos 7 ?
Are you talking about gnome-initial-setup or firstboot? It really sounds like you mean the latter. gnome-initial-setup should run for every single user, the first time they log in, regardless of their UID.
Thanks a lot for taking the time to answer. I realized reading your answer that gnome-initial-setup is the user's initial setup.... So you're right, I want firstboot not to show up when booting...
If you don't want to run gnome-initial-setup, you can remove the package of that name. Or, you can remove /etc/xdg/autostart/gnome-initial-setup-first-login.desktop
If you don't want firstboot, then:
systemctl disable firstboot-graphical
Unfortunately none of the above works... "systemctl disable firstboot-graphical" or "chkconfig firstboot-graphical off" does not work. Strangely removing the file /lib/systemd/system/firstboot-graphical.service does not work either. I still have the firstboot that shows up when starting the system...
Reading the python script at /usr/sbin/firstboot I learned that a file (/etc/sysconfig/firstboot) containing a line with RUN_FIRSTBOOT=NO should stop the service... but it still does not work !
So I renamed /usr/sbin/firstboot and... it still does not work !???
I looked at the processes running and found that gdm is running spawning a session with parameter "--gnome-initial-setup" (removing all files beginning with gnome-initial-setup in /etc/xdg/autostart/ does not work !).
So now I'm trying to figure out how gdm is launched with this parameter... to avoid this.
Any idea is very welcomed.