Jeff Johnson wrote:
- Yes, mock uses yum which will use repo files. You likely need
to configure up /etc/mock/* somehow … checking … yes stanzas like this are merely yum repositories written differently: [fedora] name=fedora mirrorlist= failovermethod=priority See if someone hasn't configured up mock for cents somehow: that was the point of my aside: its often quite mysterious how to find the right URI. I have difficulties all the time.
- priorities don't work too well generally (but do work with specific usage cases).
The typical usage case for priorities is to set up a precedence order if/when there are multiple choices for a package to install. I would always use whatever is recommended by add-on repositories, and (if you intent is to become an add-on repository using preferences) well Dag's repository uses priorities nicely and flawlessly (from first hand experience) and is worthy of study. But you shouldn't have to do too much with priorities, you will absolutely know when there is a need to use, because your updates will be breaking, and your preference (which will determine the priority field) will be clearer.
73 de Jeff
I use following repos:
playonlinux-on.repo plc-adobe-linux-on.repo plc-atrpms-stable-off.repo plc-atrpms-testing-off.repo plc-c6-testing-off.repo plc-centosplus-on.repo plc-elrepo-extras-off.repo plc-elrepo-fasttrack-off.repo plc-elrepo-kernel.repo plc-elrepo-on.repo plc-elrepo-testing-off.repo plc-epel-on.repo plc-extras-on.repo plc-fasttrack-off.repo plc-kb-el6-ext-off.repo plc-kb-el6-ext-test-off.repo plc-kb-el6-misc-off.repo plc-kb-el6-misc-test-off.repo plc-os-on.repo plc-releases-on.repo plc-remi-off.repo plc-remi-test-off.repo plc-repoforge-buildtools-off.repo plc-repoforge-dag-off.repo plc-repoforge-extras-off.repo plc-repoforge-on.repo plc-rpmfusion-free-updates-off.repo plc-rpmfusion-free-updates-testing-off.repo plc-rpmfusion-nonfree-updates-off.repo plc-rpmfusion-nonfree-updates-testing-off.repo plc-sernet-samba-off.repo plc-updates-on.repo plc-virtualbox-on.repo plc-virtualmin-universal-on.repo plnet-archive-off.repo plnet-compiled-on.repo plnet-downloaded-on.repo plnet-releases-on.repo plnet-replace-off.repo plnet-test-off.repo
plc-os-on.repo: name=Spec CentOS-$releasever - os - $releasever - $basearch baseurl=$basearch/RPMS.os/ gpgcheck=0 enabled=1 priority=1 exclude=*releases
All priorities in yum .repo files are carefully adjusted to not mess with repos of higher value for me, but to also provide all available packages.
plnet-downloaded for example is repo with high priority and is populated with carefully selected packages from other repos with lower priority that conflict (like aTrpms and repoForge) and packages not available via regular repositories but from download web pages (skype, shorewall, etc..).
"-off" at the end marks disabled repos. Those are all local repos and I have URI's. But I am still modifying and selecting repositories and packages. That is why I would like to use .repo files from /etc/yum/repos.d/. So I do not have to worry if there were changes.