On 11/26/2010 12:21 PM, Stefan Held wrote:
Am Freitag, den 26.11.2010, 11:41 +0000 schrieb Karanbir Singh:
I am not sure where that came from - there is some level of fantasy that some of you guys seem to live with. Lets take for example the request for help with branding and trademark searches in the el6 source base.
Karanbir, as this is a fairly new Process, not documented anywhere, how would you expect the masses to help you out?
+1, and to the rest of Stefan's reply.
Specifically, as an observer who has the interest, skillset, and time to help, I considered this thread and the best answer I can come up with for why I haven't been more motivated to try and help is-
A lack of a progress-bar. Or number. Or list in a wiki. If I thought I could 'go do something', and that work would translate in some progress-meter jumping from 2345/5000 to 2346/5000, I think I'd be much more likely to do it.
Another variant of that which would make the sense of contribution and accomplishment be more visceral, might be a publicly visible repository of just .el6.srpm's filling up, that theoretically I could build in the process that has been documented on this list, but not so much AFAICS on a centos6 wiki page (see Stefan's comments below about the still very thin centos6 documentation via wiki).
Another element (and I could have missed something - if so the issue is then prominence or obviousness -), is a lack of tangible examples for the format that such work would be required to be in. Yes, I can see the filing of bugs, but filing of bugs doesn't give the sense of satisfaction of the 2345->2346/5000 tick, or a new file appearing in a directory, the end of the road of that population or progress-meter being a new milestone of completeness of centos6.
Now sure, I could just accept as my motivation, reward, and process letting some guru flag-holder, hold my hand, tell me what to do, and then pat me on the back. But that level of reward, especially with the STFU attitude I'm seeing from the flag-holder, does not induce me to contribute.
Give us a progressbar, and publically visible examples, and maybe (seriously, maybe, I could be wrong), you might see more community contribution.
I.e, I've wondered, and even looked but can't find, exactly what the format of the work is. I.e. a standard patch to specfile and file-level diff of SOURCES I would presume?
I hope that explanation of why I personally haven't helped more is of help. And I admit it may still all be some rationalization where KS's vision of reality is still valid, and I may not have really done any work even if all those concerns were taken care of. Dunno...
the intention was to not do that, and to bring in a larger user base who can help cover issues that don't need specific centos resources. Also, the QA effort tends to be exceptionally manic, with things changing on an hourly basis, and some of us pushing for testing, results quite aggressively.
Even if i look at the site you sugested to us, clearly, it states:
webapp for people to suggest patches and branding changes : http://url ( coming soon : this will visible and usable by anyone, not just the QaTeam )
So this webapp is now bugs.centos.org? Fine, then please state it there. Else maybe some of us where waiting for that webapp to come to glory.
The original email asking for help on this was posted on the 12th Nov. Its the 26th now. Check https://bugs.centos.org/ to see what level of participation has been forthcoming.
See above.
And if people don't want to help with that joining-the-dots effort, they are never going to be a part of the process.
Maybe the people are willing to help but do not know how?
How they get the RHEL Beta, where to look in the rpms? What must be reported?
Slightly frustrating ? Absolutely.