On Thu, Nov 18, 2021 at 11:43 AM Brian Stinson brian@bstinson.com wrote:
The discussion about the interpretation of the EOL announcement is a good one, we should keep that going. The Devel repo is a slightly different topic though.
If you remember how the Devel repo was meant to work, it was meant to contain -devel packages that we've accepted into one of the core repos in the middle of a minor-release: https://wiki.centos.org/FAQ/CentOS8/UnshippedPackages
Your description does not match the Wiki you cite, which says *nothing* about "-devel" packages, only about "packages". And the concept of "accepted into the core repos" is a very peculiar one when the "quota-devel" repo is used for compiling critical system tools like "samba-client-libs", which in turn is woven into sssd. That.... messed with my work on Samba. I strongly dislike having to work my way around this by a different means once a year, and I hope that the "Devel" repo will never be needed again.
For every CentOS Linux point-release the intent was to clear out the Devel repo because that content is expected to show up in BaseOS, AppStream, or PowerTools (see what happened in this particular instance with quota-devel). The other goal was to ship this content *somewhere* because we couldn't allow downloads from the buildsystem at the time. Devel was always a hack around these 2 constraints.
That may have been the intent, It wasn't and isn't clear from the Wiki. Neither is any of what you say here.
We have something better, though. We revisited requirements, put some infrastructure behind the buildsystem, and opened up downloads for folks. Since May, folks have been able to use the entire buildroot repos directly from the buildsystem if they so choose: https://koji.mbox.centos.org/kojifiles/repos/dist-c8-build/latest/
Could you add this to the wiki? Or who could?