On Thu, Oct 20, 2016 at 02:55:04PM -0600, Ken Dreyer wrote:
Hi folks,
My name is Ken Dreyer, and I work on the Ceph Engineering team @ RH. We're working on a new GUI for Ceph and Gluster management, https://github.com/Tendrl
There are a couple of groups across the Ceph and Gluster communities that are working on Tendrl and its dependencies, so the CentOS Storage SIG community would be an ideal place to make all the pieces fit together.
I'd like to help with packaging the Ceph-related dependencies in the CentOS Storage SIG, and getting them built in CBS, etc.
I've set up my account at https://accounts.centos.org/user/view/ktdreyer and requested the storage sig group there. See you on IRC in #centos-devel !
Welcome Ken! It's great to see more progress on Tendrl. I'm very much looking forward to getting something testable out to interested users.
Nigel Babu has shown interest in working with the Tendrl team to run automated tests in the CentOS CI. I guess you can connect with him to have some automated nightly builds (inside and for CI testing) or such.
At the moment we're using GitHub projects that have the kindof dist-git repositories. Let me know what you need and I'll create them for you and make you an admin there.
We'll need to think of at least the following topics: - centos-release-tendrl package - CBS tags/buildroots
Please have a look at the wiki page for the Storage SIG and let me know if you have any questions on how to proceed. https://wiki.centos.org/SpecialInterestGroup/Storage
Thanks, Niels