On Fri, Aug 03, 2007 at 01:36:59PM -0700, Scott Silva wrote:
Maciej Żenczykowski spake the following on 8/3/2007 12:29 PM:
I agree. Although it is not my decision, I think the "polite" thing to do
would be to leave the CentOS trademarks out, but give adequate and glowing credit to the CentOS developers that made the OS possible. Just like the CentOS developers do to upstream whenever they can.
I think that depends on the project, for mythtv I expect this would mostly be a matter of building many packages for a (mostly) unmodified base centos system. As such you could probably have most of these in a base 'centimyth' repo, and pull the rest directly from the centos repos. I think some sort of logo being a merger of the centos logo and mythtv logos would be most appropriate here. Of course this would require approval from the dev team. In Axel's or Dag's case I expect such approval would be for the most part a formality (but would still need to be given!)... For other projects... who knows ;-)
[can you see the trust I have for atrpms, dag and rpmforge? Thanks for the awesome work guys]
Now going back to getting CentOS5 working on a santa rosa macbook pro (out of the box even the network card doesn't work).
I think the ideal thing would be a base Centos install, add a "mythtv.repo" by rpm, and yum groupinstall myth-tv and have it all come together. But the original poster seemed to want to make a separate distro to boot from cd and install a working system.
Yes, the idea would be to strip down CentOS to a livecd image with some space left for adding the mythtv packages (and their dependencies).
There is already some work being done by Johnny and someone else I forgot his name (sorry!) to have CentOS liveXXX media, so when that's done it will probably "just" be a matter of comps editing and the like.
BTW whoever is interested in this beast is more than welcome to join in. The core mythdora guys are not that familiar with CentOS.