On Wed, Jul 19, 2017 at 9:01 AM, Troy Dawson tdawson@redhat.com wrote:
Hello, It's time for our weekly PaaS SIG sync-up meeting
Time: 1700 UTC - Wedensdays (date -d "1700 UTC") Date: Today Wedensday, 19 July 2017 Where: IRC- Freenode - #centos-devel
- OpenShift Current Status
-- rpms
--- gonna build the newer ansible on -multi-arch --- release 3.6 was branched yesterday and 3.7 rebase landed last night --- Will request 3.7 build targets this week
-- Automated rpm building and Automated testing
--- Master was working but broke with 3.6 branching ---- Will update builds so that master will be a 3.7 build on -future --- Automated testing is about to get some attention as well.
-- Multi-arch
--- The new paas7-openshift-multiarch build target is working well --- golang 1.8 and origin 1.5.1 has been build on the -multiarch target --- This is helping the OpenShift multi-arch work progress
-- Documentation -- minishift -- kompose -- Images and Image building
--- We need to get someone to work with origin/images/*/Dockerfile.centos files ---- skuznets has been working upstream on changing the upstream Dockerfiles from building locally to using rpms. ---- kbsingh will talk to the centos container people and see if any of them want to maintain those files.
- Open Floor