On Mon, Apr 11, 2011 at 01:27:35PM -0400, Phil Schaffner wrote:
A forum user has encountered a problem trying to install nspr-devel.
See https://www.centos.org/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?viewmode=flat&topic_i...
The 5.6 versions look older than the 5.5 updates to yum. Attempting to install using CentOS-Vault.repo [C5.5-updates] repo also fails.
Looks like tru_tru has noted the issue on #centos-qa.
fixed (wrong disttag for the 5.5/updates/nspr el5_5 instead of el5) the 5.6/nspr got the disttag correctly set but el5< el5_5 (unchanged srpm from upstream).
5.5/updates/ -> 5.6/updates (plain copy/link)