I would like to submit a new package for inclusion in the CentOS repositories:
Spec URL: http://leon.fedorapeople.org/files/poweradmin/poweradmin.spec SRPM URL: http://leon.fedorapeople.org/files/poweradmin/poweradmin-2.1.3-5.fc12.src.rp... Description:
Poweradmin is a friendly web-based DNS administration tool for Bert Hubert's PowerDNS server. The interface has full support for most of the features of PowerDNS. It has full support for all zone types ( master, native and slave), for supermasters for automatic provisioning of slave zones, full support for IPv6 and comes with multi-language support. See feature list for all features.
rpmlint outputs 2 warnings, both of which i can explain:
poweradmin.noarch: W: file-not-in-%lang /var/www/html/poweradmin/locale/nl_NL/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo poweradmin.noarch: W: dangerous-command-in-%post rm
The locale file belongs to the poweradmin package and is not meant for system-wide usage. The rm command is to remove the ./install dir when upgrading the package. If it's not removed, PowerAdmin won't function properly anymore.
Having never submitted anything for CentOS yet, i welcome all input.
Kind regards,