On 06/20/2014 12:06 PM, Tim Bell wrote:
The communication problems you raise are exactly the ones that we will have with our user community. Given the difficulties you have explaining it to those on centos-devel, imagine how we'll be explaining it to our thousands of users, external support lines and management chains.
I could explain a 7.0 or even 7.0.1406 but a 7.1406 with an associated wiki page would cause us real problems in the field.
i think that wiki page thing was mostly a non-starter, lets drop that for now. the ReleaseNotes are in the wiki, and I believe thats what it implied, the Release announcement + notes etc would clearly highlight what point release of RHEL we built from.
However, also consider that we might be able to do something on the machine itself, eg: lsb_release reports 7.0 and/or we can overload /etc/redhat-release to map to the RHEL version while /etc/centos-release can export both eg: CentOS release 7.1406 ( EL 7.0 )
( i dont think RHEL branding police will let us put RHEL in there, but we can certainly ask )
btw, the grounding of this issue is with me struggling to communicate why there are AMI's that say CentOS-6 that dont map 1:1 with CentOS-6.5 installer tree, although 6.5 is the last released CentOS version.