On 14 September 2012 17:18, Jeff Sheltren jeff@tag1consulting.com wrote:
On Fri, Sep 14, 2012 at 9:05 AM, Alan Bartlett ajb@elrepo.org wrote:
Not a tangent, Jeff, just an explanation of why my choice is what it is.
Then would you be supportive of either inclusion option for other repos that aren't EPEL? You just think that repo tags on package names are a consideration to be taken before a certain repo is approved to be included? Or where are you going with this...?
Provoke me all you like, I will not take the bait.
Please note that:
(1) I replied to KB's initial message and nothing more. (2) It is unclear, to me, whom you were quoting with --
"Lots of people use EPEL (and other 3rd party repos). What can we do to make enabling those repos easier for our users?".
-- certainly not KB or Johnny Hughes. Thus your inclusion of that quote (if it actually is a quote from somewhere above and not something you just decided to type) is actually tangential.