Les Mikesell wrote:
On 5/25/2011 7:33 AM, Julien.GILLES@sungard.com wrote:
for various reasons I am trying to install a private repository for
Centos 5,
and I would like to use HTTPS only connections. The servers must
access to this
repository through a proxy.
Well, I found the solution, but I am a little puzzled...
The proxy has to be defined using https:// instead of http://
Yum could suppose himself that proxy is HTTPS aware and could try to connect the proxy using the CONNECT command instead of trying this insane "GET https://..."
Hope this will help someone else facing the same problem a day !
In a local setup you might be able to manage with ssh port-forwarding over ssh to a squid running on the server holding your repo. That way you can 'export http_proxy=http://localhost:local_port' and establish the ssh connection before running yum and the network traffic to the repository will be encrypted and only need port 22 open.
Vary nice solution Les.