While upgrading our servers to 5.4 I just noticed that the mirrorlist is somewhat "broken" (at least for me).
For 4.8 it does work: http://mirrorlist.centos.org/?repo=updates&arch=x86_64&release=4.8
For 5.3 it also works: http://mirrorlist.centos.org/?repo=updates&arch=x86_64&release=5.3
But for 5.4 it doesn't work: http://mirrorlist.centos.org/?repo=updates&arch=x86_64&release=5.4
Is that intended? If so: how do I say "I want 5.4 and all its updats but I don't want to move to 5.5 right now"
<background-info> I know that usually one would just ask for "release=5", however - our rpm-patch-and-upgrade-toolchain relies on the ability to pin the system to a specific CentOS release until we're sure our boxes can be moved to the new release. We do that by replacing $releasever in the CentOS-Base.repo with the exact release we want to stay with. </background-info>
Regards, Andreas