Johnny Hughes wrote:
Aggregation isn't a problem.
It isn't aggregation IF it is a derivative work.
It can't be a derivative if an alternative could possibly work (regardless of which you ship).
(Well or at least it is a questionable proactice)
Nobody questioned it when Sun was the only possible JVM.
Sure it was ... you don't see any of that stuff in Fedora do you?
I see it in RHEL. So shipping some GPL'd stuff too can't be a problem.
Or Gentoo or Debian. If it was such a good idea, they all would have had it in there several years ago.
If those guys had all the good ideas there would be no need for ubuntu.
If it doesn't work it doesn't ship ... and we are right back where we started.
The bottom line is if you require that, buy a RHWAS and jboss subscription ... at least if we can't make a redistributable one work.
OK, I guess it's the thought that counts.