Wondering if anyone has looked at kpatch as yet, and if thats something we should try and get included in the CentOS Seven release. From what I can tell its going to be included in RHEL7.
For those who dont know what it is : it lets you patch a running kernel, with a very simple build process and I-am-not-clear-what-the-delivery process might be, perhaps rpms itself.
And for the lazy, I've done the search, here are urls to get you started: http://rhelblog.redhat.com/2014/02/26/kpatch/ and https://github.com/dynup/kpatch and http://lwn.net/Articles/597123/
There is even a list for it : http://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/kpatch
We dont have any code in the CentOS build process, so we'd need to come up with something ( standalone is fine ).