On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 07:53:36AM -0300, Thiago Avelino wrote:
Because OpenOffice.org is called BrOffice.org in Brazil? At the end of 2004 due to problems with the make Open Office, previously registered by a company in Rio de Janeiro, it was necessary to change the community name and the product. Thus, the project led to the project OpenOffice.org.br BrOffice.org.
On January 25, 2006, was officially announced the launch of the NGO BrOffice.org now organize community activities OpenOffice.org.br. Despite the change of name, BrOffice.org continued representing the international OpenOffice.org project, with the guarantee of all legal instruments to protect brand BrOffice.org.
You mentioned problems with patents, but nothing more. Either *both* OpenOffice and BrOffice are illegal, or none is.
Trademarks is a different beast.