On 07/02/15 15:12, Tim Verhoeven wrote:
I've been thinking a bit about this. The best solution IMHO besides building your our CDN, which is indeed a bit over the top for this, is to push these updates instead of working with a pull method. So would it be possible to find some mirrors that would allow us to push packages into our repo's on their servers. In case of releases that need to go out quickly we could use a seperate mirrorlist that only includes our servers and the mirrors that allows us to push to. So we can move the needed packages our quickly and let users get them fast. Later as the other mirrors sync up we just go back to the normal mirrorlist.
this point was agued a bit earlier as well, it has legs and I think we might be able to make it work. What we will however need, just off the top of my head : 1) a way for mirrors to sign up to this 2) a way for us to deliver the requirements ( a sanity check script, a rsync target, a ssh-key pub key that we'd hold priv key for etc ). 3) a way to make sure we are sanity testing this process every few hours / days / weeks to make sure that when its needed, it works. 4) a way to feedback the 'X mirror' now has 'content delivered' - and get that metadata into the mirrorlist hosts on ipv4 and ipv6.
(1) might be just a case of having people signup via bugs.centos.org and have (2) be delivered as a wiki article, and have an automated script that can then test it for the user before its added to the checker/delivery/notify scripts. (3) and (4) are going to need a bit more work.
also, we are going to need some specifics for mirrors to need to meet for including, eg: geo spread, capacity to host, manage etc.