Hi Folks,
On 10/8/19 6:17 PM, Paul Graydon wrote:
I'm somewhat surprised by the plan to stop the 8 Stream, once the 9 Stream starts up. Even once the work on a future major version starts, there are still minor releases happening on the released version, which come with noteworthy changes and updates, e.g. 7.7 just got released a few months back, when the 8 beta was out. 7.7 included numerous changes and new features, drivers and improvements (https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_enterprise_linux/7/htm...). I'm guessing that development for RedHat 8 has been more than a year in the works!
To echo this concern as well. I am a bit surprise that if CentOS Stream becomes upstream, it will be stopped before the end of the release cycle.
However maybe it make sense to align to the RHEL lifecycle [1], and decide that CentOS don't do Stream for "Maintenace Support 2" and beyond, where new functionalities and updates are limited.
The most important question is for CentOS 8. What happens when CentOS Stream "8" switch to upstream "9" ? Business as usual and we continue to rebuild all updates from git.centos.org ?
It is very important to clarify this point, as it will shape how we can use CentOS for the future.