On 5/19/21 1:09 PM, Josh Boyer wrote:
On Wed, May 19, 2021 at 10:50 AM Rich Bowen rbowen@redhat.com wrote:
TL;DR: #centos and #centos-* are moving to libera.chat
Can you elaborate a bit on the choice of libera.chat What made it appealing to move to? Why is it more trustworthy than freenode or oftc?
I'm simply curious, not objecting to the move.
Once the dust settles, libera.chat will be freenode with a new name. Same staff. Many of the same hosted/donated servers. Same channels, for the most part. This is all just a very disruptive, inconvenient renaming of the network. Like in 1998, but with memes.
John answered the "why not oftc" question else-thread, and he has more experience with both networks than I.