Ralph Angenendt wrote:
Maciej Żenczykowski wrote:
More testing from me in the next few days, I have to go through the documentation first and that needs a little time.
What we need to figure out is a better way to specify the source mirror, possibly hack around in the jigdo-lite script.
That should be fairly easy - just do this as an option to jigdo-lite: If there is an --mirror http://mirror.example.com/linux/centos, then use that, if not then use the ones from the mirrors variable in the jigdo-lite script. Which will only work if CentOS distributes jigdo, we cannot force Dries to hardwire CentOS requirements into the rpmforge package.
jigdo needs more than one mirror; I could have 4.3 here in a local mirror and wish to use that first, then another the other side of my modem, and maybe another - perhaps one's broken.
Repeating --mirror is probably simplest, the script could tuck the names away in an array.
?? How does Debian do this? Obviously doesn't use apt-get config files, I've run it on CentOS 4.
<looks at a config file> [summer@bilby ~]$ ssh cdm cat /home/summer/.jigdo-lite jigdo='' debianMirror='http://ftp.wa.au.debian.org/debian/' nonusMirror='http://ftp.wa.au.debian.org/debian-non-US/' tmpDir='.' jigdoOpts='--cache jigdo-file-cache.db' wgetOpts=' --continue --timeout=300' scanMenu='//misc/I1'
Oh, it doesn't really. Making those *Mirror lines into an array should work well, for us and for Debian.
It might also make sense to see if we can improve (parallelize) jigdo-lite download performance to make it work better on bigger pipes (and possibly not require quite so much temporary space).
One step after the other?
There's no reason jigdo can't download more than the default, and I have it doing that.
Years ago, I had some patches to wget 1.5.3 (just for ftp) that allowed it to run user-specified programs/scripts at various points: 1. Just before fetching a file 2. Just after fetching a file. 3. I forget
I used the first to test whether I had internet connectivity, and waited until I had. The second could be used to signal something that "here is a file to poke into the iso" in the particular case of jigdo.
I'm generally not keen on running concurrent downloads from a remote site. I figure if the sender's faster than me, I should already be running close to capacity. If I'm faster than the sender, it would be pretty unfriendly to further swamp him.
ftp sites generally limit the number of connexions, and some (rsync at least) sites around threaten to block your IP for 24 hours if you run more than two connexions. I don't wish to find out whether they're serious.