I'm drafting the January newsletter, which I hope to publish next week, and it's time for SIG reports.
As you may remember, several months ago I mentioned that we'd like to hear from SIGs on a more formal, quarterly basis. Based on that discussion, there's a reporting schedule here: https://wiki.centos.org/SpecialInterestGroup#head-1ca04ec96d705bf7488a03ea95...
So, this month, I'm hoping for reports from the following SIGs.
Core Atomic Config Management PaaS Software Collections
The Cloud SIG has been kind enough to work with me on a sample report, which you can read here:
That will give you an idea of what an ideal report looks like.
I will endeavor in the future, to give a little more advance warning, but please note that in February, we're hoping to receive reports from:
Alt Arch Cloud NFV Promo Storage