ci.dev.centos.org: - run through pending merges ( tigalch / athmane ) - do the reimzul integration ( kb ) - nightly tests, esure they are robust enough to rely on --- tests already running nightly --- monitor for another 2 weeks, then look at flaky / shallow tests --- promote publicly, make noise around it - ensure tests are running with latest kernel, reboot needed, this is already being done ( tigalch ) - ensure backups in place for everything ( kb / athmane ) - get a private git repo for puppet / opennebula content ( kb )
Website: - migrate the site to a more reliable host, with more resources while we wait for the new design work to complete ( kb ) - setup a blog / story interface - test-migrate the forums to phpbb ( TrevorH1 / KB ) --- ensure a bunch of people have access to play with the entire forums content, migrated - not just 1 forum as we had done in the past --- write a url redictor from old-url to new-url ( kb )
VIP Program - use name 'Friends' represented as 'Friends of CentOS' - centos.org/Friends and centos.org/Friends/<person> urls for aggregated and person specific content - domain to be used for email / contact TBD ( but not .centos.org ) - Bootstrap resources on Google's compute engine ( pending physical hardware allocation from .centos.org pool ) ( Phibs / Tigalch )
Dojos: - keep them coming --- Bucharest + Madrid + Edinburgh confirmed --- Houston most likely ( but not confirmed )
The next CentOS Syncup is scheduled for 31st July 16:00 UTC in #centos-devel, if there is anything you want to bring up : either as something you want to do, or something you think needs to be done ( even if you are unable to actually do it ) then please come along and raise the issue. If you are unable to make it, please email either me or Christoph in advance along with notes, and we will make sure the issue is raised and discussed during the session.