Phil Schaffner wrote:
What help do you need on getting persistence working, or on LiveCD development in general?
For the persistence feature, I am looking for a set of patches that apply for the current livecd-tools package. I am currently comparing livecd-tools 015 and 014. Since the persistence feature was added in the 015 version, I will try to extract the required patches from the differences between both versions. Any help on this front would be appreciated.
Is there interest in a LiveDVD with more functionality than will fit on a CD? Perhaps "full desktop/office/productivity/multimedia" GNOME and/or KDE versions?
If you have a kickstart file ready with such functionalities, publishing it on the LiveCD trac website would be the first step. Adding a documentation page explaining how to build such a LiveCD and what are its benefits would come next.
Should the LiveCD tools be in a repo?
I definitely think so. The tools are currently hosted on my own website. It works but putting these packages on an official CentOS repository would be better.
-- Patrice