On 09/21/2014 06:45 PM, Brian Stinson wrote:
Greetings everyone!
The CBS and Infrastructure teams will be meeting tomorrow, Monday, 22-September 2014 at 13:00 UTC in #centos-devel on freenode.
Suggested topics:
#topic Greetings
#topic Old Business
- FAS/IPA Testing
- Centpkg Progress
#topic Brainstorm SIG branch and build target names
- Proposal will go out to the centos-devel ML
#topic Open Floor
I'll get the trello board up for this meeting, it might be good if we can sync up just before, and I can setup admin rights etc for you on there.
Also, it would be good to have a 10 min session and just try to list out the blockers at this point, and the minimal amount of work (the least efforts ? ) that need to be put into handling over access to SIG to push into -devel and -testing repos;