Greg Swallow wrote:
its to report issues, however these testing kernels are a special
No problem, I was agreeing with you about reporting bugs upstream for packages that are just rebuilds of upstream, including the testing kernels. Maybe I should have made a new subject for the thread rather than half-hijacking the other one.
Actually, that is mostly true - but not completely. What we would really prefer is if issues were reported on and then a triaging team could manage and work with the developers on resolving / closing them properly.
The reason why the pref to not upstream bugzilla is that in cases there might be a local centos induced problem, and we would never know about those - it has happened. Also, upstream is completely oblivious about CentOS and the process we follow etc, I dont blame them for it. So the decision to take a report upstream should really be from the CentOS bug handing team, most users should try and report issues there.
Add to that there are packages in the CentOS infrastructure that dont come from upstream, we use a different package manager, we use a different mirror network and are a lot more dependent on the community for feedback and support - reporting issues to is really the right way to do things.
Now, I mentioned two things here - a Triaging and a bug handing team. Neither of which exist. Both both of which _should_. And members will need to come from the users community and the existing developers. So if people are interested, feel free to step forward. And now will be a good time.
Btw, while I am still doing recruitment... I am still hoping that someone will step forward and offer to help with the Oracle's Linux offering -> CentOS migration guide...
- KB