On Wed, Jan 22, 2014 at 6:04 PM, Karanbir Singh mail-lists@karan.orgwrote:
How can we move this forward a bit, getting the artwork done is going to rapidly become a blocker on us being able to put a EL7 beta build out from the CentOS side
This is the main goal of The CentOS Artwork Repository.
For example, once EL7 artistic motif, design models and configuration files are defined inside the repository, you could use the automation scripts inside the repository to produce all the images you need using just one command (e.g., tcar render Motfis/$NAME/Distribution/$VERSION) consistently, including branded images. In case some design model requries translations (e.g., anaconda slides) it is required to localize design models first for each language you want to produce images for (e.g., tcar locale Models/Distribution/5/Anaconda/) and then run the render command of tcar script. The translation process is entirely based on gettext standard procedures. The image rendition process uses Inkscape command-line to transform SVGZ files into PNG files which might be later transformed using ImageMagick and Netpbm tools. The entire process is controlled by simple configuration files.
I'm trying to optimize this process as much as possible to satisfy the CentOS Project needs. Anyone interested in contributing to this effort is welcome to join in. Everything related to artwork will be moved to git.centos.org and community contribution would take place there. Meanwhile, you can take a look at https://github.com/areguera/centos-artwork where there is a preview of the work.
Best Regards, al.