On 12/17/20 3:02 PM, Johnny Hughes wrote:
... It was indeed one HUGE change that the CentOS Board negotiated for.
Honestly, it's the only thing that makes the situation the tiniest bit palatable. Kudos to the Board, and a big thanks to Red Hat for agreeing to do that. While 5 years is not as good as 10, it's better than 2 or 3.
As I've been composing my email to the centos-questions@redhat.com address, I went back through my local archive of a to-be-nameless mailing list with NDA-covered information, and ran across the pre-release notice of the post-Shrike (well, there's a city name in there, too, but I speak not of such locales) change in Red Hat Linux moving away from a boxed set product and more into a semi-stable dynamic development distribution with comprehensive community involvement, taking the old Fedora.us repo name as its own. Given the long time since that announcement, it is a really interesting read. Obviously I'm not going to post snippets, but the public announcement isn't hard to find. Much gnashing of teeth ensued then, too, but look at what Fedora has become! I hope CentOS Stream finds its way as well as Fedora did.