Hello Niels,
I will check it out till the end of the week and provide feedback.
Best Regards, Strahil Nikolov
В четвъртък, 5 ноември 2020 г., 10:16:43 Гринуич+2, Niels de Vos ndevos@redhat.com написа:
On Wed, Nov 04, 2020 at 02:01:22PM -0800, Kaleb Keithley wrote:
generally Niels does the glusterfs builds. I usually only do them when he's on a long holiday.
He's not on holiday though, so I don't know why he's not on top of this.
Oh, sorry! The subject is about NFS-Ganesha, not GlusterFS packages, so I didn't really pay attention to is as Kaleb was involved already.
But I built 8.2-2.rhel8 and tagged it for release. 8.2-1 was never tagged for release by Nields. 8.1-1 was the last glusterfs-8 build that was tagged for release.
Indeed. A call for testing was sent out, but nobody replied to it: https://lists.gluster.org/pipermail/packaging/2020-September/000902.html
Ideally someone tests the packages before they get released. If there is no reply on those requests, I most likely forget about publishing the builds.
@Strahil Nikolov, can you confirm that the update Kaleb made works for you?
On Wed, Nov 4, 2020 at 12:07 PM Strahil Nikolov hunter86_bg@yahoo.com wrote:
I guess only Niels is the only one who is taking care of the builds.
@Niels de Vos , I hope you are well and just on a vacation.
Best Regards, Strahil Nikolov
В вторник, 27 октомври 2020 г., 14:59:58 Гринуич+2, Kaleb Keithley < kkeithle@redhat.com> написа:
I don't think it's a missing repo. I think the gluster packages need to be respun with the correct BuildRequires: resource-agents version for RHEL8.
Niels is the one who usually builds glusterfs rpms for CentOS.
On Mon, Oct 26, 2020 at 6:21 PM Strahil Nikolov hunter86_bg@yahoo.com wrote:
Thanks for your reply Kaleb! I hope Niels can assist on this one.
Maybe I'm just missing a repo and this is all for nothing :)
Best Regards, Strahil Nikolov
В неделя, 25 октомври 2020 г., 05:02:50 Гринуич+2, Kaleb Keithley <
kkeithle@redhat.com> написа:
On Sat, Oct 24, 2020 at 12:22 PM Strahil Nikolov hunter86_bg@yahoo.com
... when I specify glusterfs-ganesha.x86_64 (provided
by centos-gluster8 ) - it requires resource-agents >= 4.2
The last package is causing the dependency issue. Maybe I should
address that to the Gluster Devel ?
That's glusterfs, not nfs-ganesha; and, if anything, it's an issue with
the Storage SIG gluster packages.