On 11/26/2010 01:11 PM, Dag Wieers wrote:
I suggest you read it again, because your 'which basicly means' is incorrect.
As you stated yourself, you are being pedantic. And I think you are deliberately making this thread more worse than it should be.
Being pedantic does not imply I am wrong. Your basis for the argument is flawed, and the lengths you are going to in order to circumvent that issue is odd.
Explain to me how sending two mails to find users to test, is "repeated spamming" ? And while you know better, you can't resist the urge to disinform.
So you dont think its worth sticking with the same policy for you as it does for everyone else ? I'm not disinforming about anything but clearing out the crazy FUD you are trying to create here.
I do think the problem is the content, as much as you don't like me mentioning we have alternative kmod-drbd packages (that actualy get updated frequently), you don't like others to discuss transparancy wrt. the build process or alternatives.
FUD... You clearly don't get it, why not stop trying and stop giving yourself all the grief ?
Well, this is the Internet, get used to it.
I am also fairly sure that the 'internet' does not imply freedom to do as you want, when you want, where you want - and suite yourself in anyway you like with no response from anyone. Its the 'where' bit that you need to go think about a bit.
- KB