Am 15.01.21 um 16:01 schrieb Neal Gompa:
On Fri, Jan 15, 2021 at 3:57 AM Leon Fauster via CentOS-devel wrote:
Am 15.01.21 um 03:11 schrieb Carl George:
I have yet to see an actual problem presented other than "I don't like the appearance of a downgrade". It's not ideal but it's also not causing an actual issue. As long as RHEL maintainers add digits after the %{?dist} macro in the release field, it will be possible to end up in this situation. CentOS cannot solve this with the current implementation of modularity in MBS. The right place for this feedback is upstream MBS.
Hi Carl,
rpm has the modularitylabel tag and yum/dnf has module metadata injected into the repository.
Is there any rational reason to mess up with the NEVRA format (including git commit/hash tags)?
ModularityLabel is a freeform field that is not used for version comparison.
The underlying issue here is that Red Hat folks did not know that it is unsafe to do suffix release bumps for modular packages. This is more of a policy problem than anything else.
It's a policy mistake and nothing more.
One step back, I would see the problem more in the used git hash that is not incrementally increasing. That caused the classification as downgrade. Therefore why including it into NVR? Modules do not need artifacts that have a git hash in the NEVR.
-- Leon