Set reply-to to yum-devel list.
On Tue, 2009-03-03 at 23:25 +0100, David Hrbáč wrote:
Hi, I've prepared yum-3.2.8-9 backport for Centos 4.x. Packages are in testing repos:
I'd like to ask for QA tests. There are also test packages hrb-foo and hrb-bar which obsoletes the first one.
For yum install progress see:
Ok, so a couple of things:
1. Props. for trying this :)
2. Just commenting out @catchSqliteException is obviously fine for a first attempt, but needs a better fix before you give it to random people IMO.
3. This is a lot smaller than I expected, even for a beta, although there are some more things in the latest 3.2.x series that would need to change ... this certainly implies that it might not be as hard as we'd assumed to get the latest onto RHEL-4.
4. Did you run "make check", or just use it until you hit a failure? -- just wondering how much extra stuff might be lurking.